Boston Organics Blog | Fresh. Organic. Delivered.

The Dogma Box - my thoughts about it

Written by Boston Organics | Dec 17, 2008 1:50:04 AM

I am really excited about the Dogma box.

I wish I could take credit for the name and the concept, but I learned that another "box" company in Denmark has been offering one for years...

I think the Dogma box will help serve as a reality check for the current state of the local food chain. Hopefully, in a short time we can say, "Do you remember the first Boston Organics' Dogma Box? It was so lame, it only had beets and potatoes. Look at it now, even in the winter it is full of local vegetables from green houses heated with solar panels and bio-fuel." For now we may have to settle for beets and potatoes if we're lucky (see my first blog post explaining the challenges we currently encounter).

If we succeed and can offer a great Dogma Box, it will mean that a larger portion of our dollars are being spent in the local economy and that we are succeeding in re-building the local food supply chain.

I sincerely appreciate and thank any customer that chooses to support this.
