The Dogma Box is transitioning into local winter produce in a bulbous way. This means hardier vegetables like celery root, turnips, winter radishes, beet, and other tubers and root crops.
All year round we work closely with Atlas Farm out of South Deerfield, MA and are always excited to see what they have for us. This week’s Dogma Box will be a bit more colorful with Atlas’s watermelon radish - cut it open to see where it gets its name!
As the temperature drops and the ground begins to frost, we look to Deep Root Organics, a cooperative of almost 20 organic farms in northern Vermont and southern Quebec to get some of the best root veggies around! We are getting beets and acorn squash in from Deep Root and look forward to their winter offerings.
This week’s Dogma Box includes:
The recipes below work well with many of the items that you’re receiving in the Dogma Box this week. These recipes are usually quite flexible and easily adaptable based on your pantry and your dietary needs. Feel free to get creative in the kitchen! If you come up with new ways to use some of our recipes and would like to share, post them on our Facebook or Tweet us.
Creamy Parsnip, Celeriac, & Turnip Soup
What are you cooking this week? Feel free to share with us at any time! For more recipes, check out the Produce Info, Storage Tips and Recipes section on our website and browse recipes by item. Here you can find nutritional information, preparation tips, and recipes for each produce item we offer. Happy eating from your friends at Boston Organics!