Boston Organics Blog | Fresh. Organic. Delivered.

Weekly Newsletter – February 17, 2014

Written by Amy Levine | Feb 17, 2014 9:31:20 AM

In spite of nasty weather across the country, some special organic citrus survived the freezes and have made their way to Boston Organics!

Blood oranges are one of our most delicious and colorful citrus fruits. Officially known as Moro oranges, one slice down the middle reveals how this fruit got its sanguineous nickname. High concentrations of anthocyanin, a pigment commonly found in flowers and a powerful antioxidant, gives the Moro orange its vibrant, blood-red flesh.

With fewer seeds than most oranges, it’s hard to find a tastier organic snack than blood oranges. Check out this week's newsletter to read more about our mid-winter citrus jubilee and find out what other fresh, organic produce is going out in boxes this week!