Fresh from the Farm: Getting Cozy with Cool Weather Crops

Posted by Rebecca Bilodeau on Oct 2, 2016 2:18:00 PM

After a long, hot summer, the cooler temperatures of the last week have offered something of a reprieve, and an opportunity to pull out our fall jackets, flannel shirts, and woolly socks. It's also a cue for the return of some of our favorite cool (though not yet cold) weather food and drink. Relish the beauty of October in New England with local fruit and vegetables delivered to your door.

Raise your glass to fall

Grapefruit Tea

With chilly and rainy days, we can sit and savor all the warm drinks that fall sends our way. Wrap your fingers around a mug of steaming, spicy chai, tart and strong hot toddies or sweet mulled cider. We love going for long walks in the crisp air, and returning home to a cozy drink. Expand your warm beverage repertoire—and enjoy grapefruit as you never have before—with a spiced mug of Warm Grapefruit Tea. Lightly sweetened, any tangy or bitter flavor in the grapefruit is smoothed by the warm flavor of cinnamon and whole allspice.

Not-winter-yet SquashBoston Organics - Buttercup Squash

It’s the season for winter squash! With the dazzling variety among these thick-skinned cucurbits, it is no wonder that they are centerpiece favorites, in addition to being one of the most delicious crops of the season. They can be green, beige, yellow, orange, ridged, knobby, smooth, the size of an apple or the size of a small child. No matter which squash you choose, you’re sure to get a boost of vitamin C, potassium and fiber. This week Atlas Farm will deliver delicata and buttercup squash for members of the Boston Organics Community. If you’re thinking “deli-what-a?” don’t worry. Our new guide to winter squash will help you tell your butternut from your acorn, kuri from carnival.

As the weather turns cold, we want to incorporate hearty squash into every meal. Halve a buttercup squash and stuff it with any combination of rice, quinoa, cheese or beans, coarsely chop a butternut and make a creamy soup, or roast slices of delicata until they are perfectly caramelized, then drizzle with sriracha chili sauce. Winter squash of course isn’t limited to just dinnertime: Pumpkin Pie is an annual fall favorite. Bring squash to your breakfast table in the form of delicately sweet and satisfying pancakes. This recipe is pretty adaptable, and can easily be made gluten-free.

new leavesBoston Organics Kale and Collards

Though the leaves on the trees may begin to change color soon, we will continue to see green leafies in Boston Organics boxes. Some varieties of greens, like chard, thrive in the cooler weather. Some even say that greens become sweeter as the temperature drops, and kale can survive often well past the first frost. While farmers harvest crops like squash and apples that will store well through the winter, they are also busy planting new batches of quick-growing greens like lettuce and arugula that will be ready to harvest through October and November.

Take advantage of fall plantings of greens with a batch of Greens with Cashews. The chili and curry powder make this a warming side, while the bright lime juice is a reminder that we still have sunny days to look forward to. Welcome the cooler weather whole-heartedly with a hot bowl of Green Miso Soup. This flavorful and comforting soup will keep your body nourished during this transitional season.

Have a delicious week!


This Week's Local Produce


Atlas Farm
(South Deerfield, MA)
Arugula | Baby Bok Choy
Beets | Cabbage
Celeriac | Chard | Kale
Green Leaf Lettuce | Poblano Peppers
Delicata Squash | Hakurei Turnips
Potatoes | Buttercup Squash

North Country Nutrition
(Hodgdon, ME)

Porter Farms
(Elba, NY)

The Kitchen Garden
(Sunderland, MA)
Salad Tomatoes

Dwight Miller and Son Orchard
(Dummerston, VT)

Queen's Greens
(Amherst, MA)
Sweet Bell Peppers

Mousam Valley
(Springvale, ME)
Oyster Mushrooms

Happy Valley
(Hadley, MA)

Red Fire Farm
(Granby, MA)

Eat Local

All of the fruits and vegetables we deliver are grown without synthetic pesticides and are USDA certified organic. Interested in receiving produce that's both organic and locally sourced all year round? Check out our Local Dogma Box.

Similar to a CSA or farm share, our Local Dogma Box is filled with the best organic produce from local and regional farms and brought right to your door each week. It's the easiest way to eat like a locavore!

This Week's Local Box

Topics: Recipes, Local Dogma Box, Newsletter, Eat Local, Organic Farmers, organic citrus, Organic Grocery Add-Ons, winter squash, Organic Leafy Greens

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