Topic: miso

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What Grows Together Goes Together

Posted by Boston Organics on Aug 13, 2024 12:50:14 PM

You've probably heard it said: what grows together goes together. Well, what does that mean?!? Basically, that most vegetables, and fruit for that matter, that grow during the same season taste good together! Think summer's tomatoes, zucchini, basil, peppers, corn and eggplants (and peaches) or fall's squash and sweet potatoes plus sturdy greens and shitakes or spring's onions, spinach and potatoes. Our mouth is watering just thinking of the variety of dishes that can be made the current season's bounty of wonderful produce, everything from pastas to stir fries to frittatas to salads.

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Topics: organic tomatoes, Organic Eggplants, organic corn, Organic Zucchini, heirloom tomatoes, pesto, seasonal, summer squash, greek-style, miso, ricotta

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