Topic: grain

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Build Your Own Grain Bowl

Posted by Boston Organics on Sep 29, 2023 11:25:25 AM

The abundance of dried or sprouted beans, wintery root vegetables, and dark leafy greens available at this time of year plus the many varieties grains we've got available have got us thinking about Grain Bowls! And what could be better than building one from the bounty in your Boston Organics box. Follow our recipe or use it to inspire a version that speaks to you. Or go totally off script creating your own! 

Creating a grain bowl is basically a three step process:

  • choose your base of a grain and green
  • build your middle from our fresh organic fruits and vegetables 
  • top it off with the fun stuff
  • optional 4th step - make it substantial!


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Topics: organic kale, Organic Collard Greens, Organic Root Vegetables, grain, grain bowl, spinach, nuts, avocado, eggs, farro, quinoa, couscous, bulgur, herbs, seeds

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