Topic: avocado toast

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Demystifying Avocados

Posted by Boston Organics on Jul 17, 2024 9:58:04 AM

We love avocados, finding their mild, buttery taste and creamy texture a welcome addition to oh so many dishes while being good for you too! The Harvard Gazette recently reported that eating just one avocado a week may lower heart disease risk. Yummy, versatile and heart healthy - everyone loves that!! If that's not enough to convince you to add this beloved gem to your meals we’re here to share some ideas with you and to go beneath their pebbly peel.

In many ways, avocados defy characterization. Though often thought of as a fruit, they are most commonly eaten in a savory setting. Be it as a smiley green garnish or as guacamole or in a salad or in avocado toast, avocados sure do get around. 

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Topics: Beneath The Peel / Digging Deeper, Original Boston Organics Blog, organic avocados, avocado toast

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