Topic: office

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Compare Office Fruit Boxes

Posted by Boston Organics on Jun 4, 2024 1:32:00 PM

We have a variety of fruit options to meet your company’s budget and needs. Standard and Large fruit boxes are rotating boxes of handpicked fruit for all sizes of offices and organizations. Find the perfect box for your business!

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Topics: produce delivery, office, healthy fruits, Healthy Office, Office wellness program, Employee wellness

4 Scary Food Waste Facts (and 1 Way to Change Them)

Posted by Boston Organics on Sep 19, 2022 12:45:00 AM

It’s October which means crisp, cool days, changing leaves and all the trappings of Halloween: ghost stories, haunted houses and cobwebs draped on front porches. Even if you can see through a costumed zombie or don’t feel any need to avoid haunted spots on All Hallows' Eve, the ghosts of wasted food may pop up to spook you.

Food waste is a significant problem: about 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted worldwide every year. Don’t be haunted by food that you throw away. Check out these four scary facts about food waste, and learn what you can do to avoid it (no witch’s brew required).

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Topics: office, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, Healthy Office

4 Tips for Creating a Successful Wellness Program

Posted by Boston Organics on Apr 21, 2022 9:00:00 AM

With people returning to the office post Covid, Wellness Programs are all the rage, and businesses have their pick of innovative vendors offering products and services aimed at boosting employee health and productivity. To learn about our office wellness program that includes organic snacks delivered to your business and a discount for your employees who use our home delivery systems go here.

Developing a wellness program can help employees feel valued and support healthy lifestyle choices, but success requires planning and dedication. Before launching a wellness program at your office, consider these four tips to help shape your plan.

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Topics: office, Healthy Office

How to work from home and not get cabin fever

Posted by Boston Organics on Mar 18, 2020 12:00:00 PM

Working from home comes with so many freedoms, and different challenges than the traditional workplace. You have the power to set your own working schedule but, family and pets are just around the corner as a welcomed distraction. Here are some tips to help you productively work from home and avoid cabin fever!

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Topics: Boston Organics Community, office, Healthy Office, marketing, covid-19, coronavirus, remote, productivity, work from home, social distancing

Healthy Workplace Spotlight: Bevi

Posted by Boston Organics on Feb 5, 2020 7:30:00 AM

Written by Bevi. Located in Charlestown, Bevi is disrupting the beverage supply chain by using intuitive, user-centered design to provide customizable, healthy beverages. The Bevi is an internet-connected smart water cooler that dispenses water still or sparkling, plain or flavored. Each drink is customizable, and the machine holds up to four distinct flavors. So next time you are looking to hydrate, ditch the plastic bottle and get a Bevi for your office or commercial space.

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Topics: Organic Compost, office, corporate wellness, Healthy Office, member spotlight, sustainability, perks, EmployeeBenefits, volunteer, recycling program, reduce plastic, Bevi, plastic

Healthy Workplace Spotlight: Soofa

Posted by Boston Organics on Jan 6, 2020 5:30:00 PM

There’s no denying that most everything has sped up in recent years.

While we are more connected than ever, there is now a premium on slowing down and engaging with the world around us. Citizens and consumers might have more readily-available information through phones and tablets, but those devices can create personally-curated bubbles blocking us out from our own shared spaces.

What if we could slow down the process and take in our surroundings in a new way?

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Topics: Organic Compost, office, corporate wellness, Healthy Office, member spotlight, sustainability, perks, EmployeeBenefits, Soofa, solar powered, volunteer, recycling program

Healthy Snacks to Start the Year Right

Posted by Boston Organics on Jan 2, 2020 8:00:00 AM

This year, we resolve to snack happy and healthy, munching on nibbles with plenty of protein, fiber and flavor to keep us satisfied and energized throughout the day. These are our favorite new healthy snacks to start 2018 on the right foot.

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Topics: office, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, Healthy Office

Mindfulness in the Workplace

Posted by Boston Organics on Dec 12, 2019 10:08:00 AM

We all know the many benefits of mindfulness – from greater focus to increased relaxation to a happier, more present way of being.  But practicing mindfulness in the office is something that is becoming increasingly important as employees often report feeling overwhelmed and frazzled and stories of burnout are not uncommon. Blog post written by Cynthia Conigliaro (certified personal trainer, and independent health and wellness coach).

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Topics: Boston Organics Community, office, Healthy Office, snacks, marketing, Office wellness program, meditation, mindfulness, being present

Quick tip: Don't skip meals!

Posted by Boston Organics on Nov 21, 2019 10:00:00 AM

Skipping breakfast or no time for lunch? Think again. It’s something we all struggle with: how to find time to fit healthy meals into our busy days. Blog post written by Cynthia Conigliaro (certified personal trainer, and independent health and wellness coach).

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Topics: Boston Organics Community, office, Healthy Office, snacks, marketing, Office wellness program

Go GREEN in your office!

Posted by Boston Organics on Oct 28, 2019 8:00:00 AM

You eat organic and sustainable at home, but now you want to bring it into the office. Here are areas to help you get your office started on a greener future!

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Topics: Boston Organics Community, office, environmental, Environmental Businesses, Healthy Office, waste, sustainability

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