Topic: food is medicine

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Food as Medicine: Leafy Greens

Posted by Boston Organics on Jun 4, 2024 1:15:00 AM

Good food is the foundation of good health. Health scientists, and we’re sure most of you, would agree that optimal nutrition is critical to promoting health, improving general well-being and reducing the risk of developing certain diseases. Well, those principles are gaining traction in the Food as Medicine movement which recognizes the potential of food to help prevent and manage chronic disease. Many doctors aim to prevent, limit or even reverse disease by changing what patients eat. The movement has been around for decades, but it's making inroads as physicians and medical institutions make food a formal part of treatment, rather than relying solely on medications. Responding to studies, many insurers are even providing subsidies to cover produce prescriptions for clients: the health benefits are that dramatic!

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Topics: organic kale, Organic Chard, Organic Collard Greens, Organic Leafy Greens, organic vegetables, food is medicine

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