Boston Organics is proud to work with a number of local farms and businesses that actively strive to build a resilient regional food economy. Whether coaxing greens to thrive even as the mercury drops or stone-milling local corn, our growers and producers have true New England grit.
New england grains
We have two new add-ons this week from Maine Grains. In 2009, Amber Lambke acquired a former prison in Skohwegan, Maine, and transformed it into a mill processing locally grown grains. Maine Grains strives to revive the tradition of growing staples like oats, rye, wheat and corn in New England and ensure that these grains are available to consumers in central Maine as well as regionally.
Maine Grains has also served as an anchor for the economic revitalization of the town of Skowhegan. The renovated mill space also houses several other businesses, including a café and yarn shop. “This building has created permission for people in the community that have ideas to also take risks alongside me to start new businesses,” Amber says in this short documentary about the company and the town of Skowhegan.
In addition to rolled oats and whole wheat flour, Boston Organics now offers Maine Grains cornmeal and polenta. Milled from a heritage breed of flint corn known as “Garland”, these are great for making hushpuppies, grits and more. The polenta especially is unique, with its intense yellow color. We’re getting cozy this week with a warm, cheesy bowl of Creamy Polenta with Roasted Mushrooms.
minty fresh
This week, Happy Valley Organics of Hadley will deliver cooling mint. You may often see mint as a garnish, but don't write it off: mint is rich in many nutrients, including fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, riboflavin, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper, and manganese. To store this aromatic herb, keep it in a plastic container in the refrigerator for up to a week. Though mint is known for its sweet aftertaste and refreshing flavor, we are pairing it this week with a well-spiced, savory lunch: Chickpea Pita Pockets with Greens and Minted Yogurt.
Spiral spigarello
Though we thought that the season for local greens had ended, we are thrilled to say that we were wrong! The Kitchen Garden is bringing us kale and spigarello this week. Don't worry if you're unfamiliar with this spiraling brassica; it's similar to the much revered broccoli rabe in both shape and flavor.
As you might be able to infer from the name, spigarello comes from Italy where it is well liked for its slightly sweet and peppery taste. Much like basil, which can be harvested several times throughout a single growing season, the spigarello plant branches off and continues to grow when the top leaves and stem have been cut off—making it a great plant for small farmers to grow.
Classic Italian preparation for spigarello includes sautéing it with chili peppers, black olives and sausage or roasting it on top of a thin-crust pizza. We particularly like spigarello paired with a poached egg.
This leafy green has so much natural flavor that it doesn't really take much else to make it shine. When you're cooking with spigarello, you want to make sure you're using quality, organic ingredients so remember to order a half-dozen Pete and Gerry's organic eggs and a bottle of Pons Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil if you're running low.
Have a delicious week!
This Week's Local Produce
Atlas Farm Plainville Farm Winter Moon Farm Porter Farm Kitchen Garden |
Happy Valley Organics Jonathan's Sprouts Deep Root Organic Coop Deep Root Organic Coop North Country Nutrition |

All of the fruits and vegetables we deliver are grown without synthetic pesticides and are USDA certified organic. Interested in receiving produce that's both organic and locally sourced all year round? Check out our Local Dogma Box.
Similar to a CSA or farm share, our Local Dogma Box is filled with the best organic produce from local and regional farms and brought right to your door each week. It's the easiest way to eat like a locavore!