We hope that 2017 is off to a great start for all members of the Boston Organics Community. Thank you for your support throughout 2016. We are grateful for your enthusiastic support of our mission to deliver fresh, organic produce while contributing to the development of a sustainable food system. We look forward to more happy snacking and sharing in the coming year.
Snack Attack
Sometimes you just need a little nibble to help get through the afternoon. Junky snacks certainly have their appeal, but can lead to unpleasant and unproductive sugar crashes. Snacks with protein and fiber will help keep you full, while giving you the little boost you need.
One snack that we’ve been enjoying this week is Creamy Spiced Cashew Dip. With just a hint of honey, this spread is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. We're also munching on chickpeas prepared in a new way: roasting. There are limitless seasoning possibilities, and the crunch is oh so satisfying.
This week, we are also pleased to introduce a new afternoon snack kit. Each box contains seasoned blends of nuts and dried fruit from Gorilly Goods, snack-sized Clif trail mix bars and bags of Hippeas Chickpea Puffs. Purchase an eight piece box or stock up on your favorites. Boston Organics staff have already fallen in love with Gorilly Goods Forest clusters, a toothsomely chewy blend of banana, walnuts, coconut and chocolate.
Pretty in Pink
This week, for the first time this winter, we will have Cara Cara oranges. From the outside, they may look like a common navel orange, but remove the peel and you will find a surprise. Cara caras have sweet, pink flesh and, along with the wide variety of citrus we see throughout the season, we look forward to seeing them each winter. This special coloring is caused by an abundance of lycopene, a caratenoid and powerful antioxidant that gives tomatoes their hue. They are perfect for snacking, but for an extra special treat (or the perfect breakfast!), use them to top Creamy Winter Vanilla Bean Chia Pudding.
Local Winter Produce
Throughout the winter, we will continue to receive produce from our farm partners. This week, we have delicata squash from Nature’s Circle Farm. Nature’s Circle is a family-owned farm in Aroostook county, Maine. Farmer Dick York started growing mixed organic vegetables on two acres of land in 1996, recognizing the value of organic growing from the beginning. Dick’s son and daughter are involved in running the farm. Enjoy the products of their labor with this delicious Delicata Squash Pizza.
Have a delicious week!
This Week's Local Produce
Happy Valley Organics Winter Moon Farm Red Fire Farm Porter Farms |
Nature's Circle Farm Atlas Farm |

All of the fruits and vegetables we deliver are grown without synthetic pesticides and are USDA certified organic. Interested in receiving produce that's both organic and locally sourced all year round? Check out our Local Dogma Box.
Similar to a CSA or farm share, our Local Dogma Box is filled with the best organic produce from local and regional farms and brought right to your door each week. It's the easiest way to eat like a locavore!