What's in the Dogma Box - June 3, 2019

Posted by Boston Organics on Jun 4, 2019 11:02:27 AM

Our Dogma Box includes organic fruits and vegetables sourced as close to Boston as possible throughout the year. Similar to a CSA or farm share, this box is filled with the best organic produce from local and regional farms each week.

This week’s Dogma Box contains:

Chop up your chives to make Chive Biscuits!


Grower feature - Harlow Farm:

Harlow Farm has been in the Harlow family since 1918, and has been certified organic since 1985. It was one of the earliest organic vegetable farms in New England and is still one of the largest. The farm is lead by two Harlow brothers - Dan runs the farm stand while Paul runs the farm. Paul also helped start Deep Root Organic Truck Farmers, the first organic cooperative in New England.



Topics: Organic Turnips, Local Dogma Box, Organic Radishes, organic carrots, boston organics, Organic Herbs, Organic Parsnips, organic produce, Organic Leafy Greens, New England Local Fruits and Vegetables, organic beets, Harlow Farm, Grower & Producer

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