5 Tips for Staying Healthy at Work

Posted by Amy Levine on Feb 27, 2012 5:00:00 PM

Boston Organics - Office Fruit Box

Most people spend the majority of their waking hours at work, leaving little time for exercising and focusing on overall well-being. With so much going on, it can be difficult to work healthy habits into our daily work routines. 

As we get deeper into cold and flu season, taking care of yourself becomes ever more important. Here are some easy ways that you can maintain your own health at work and get on your way to a happier, healthier, and more productive workday!

Boston Organics - Stretch Break!

1. Take frequent breaks.

Sitting at a computer all day can seriously strain your eyes, wrists and back. Your body needs a break, so do yourself a favor and take a quick break every hour. Breaks will also give you some time to clear your mind and come back to your tasks with better focus. Stress is antithetical to overall health, so stepping away from your desk, taking a few deep breaths can help shift your perspective and keep stress in check.


Boston Organics - Keep Healthy Snacks on Hand

2. Keep healthy snacks at your desk.

If your only snack options come from a vending machine, chances are good that you’re not going to find too many healthy, natural snacks. Keep wholesome treats like fresh fruit or nuts on hand, and you’ll be snacking healthily all day long. If you prepackage snacks in small containers, you can avoid overeating. Also, keep a reusable water bottle at your desk so you get plenty of water!


Boston Organics - Pack a Healthy Bagged Lunch

3. Bring your own lunch.

This requires just a little bit of planning ahead, but bringing your lunch can really pay off in the long run, saving you tons of money and extra calories. Stock up on Tupperware for easy-to-make salads, or pack up your leftovers into a lunch-sized portion the night before. Check out our blog for ideas to simplify lunch prep.


Keep it clean - photo courtesy of Hubspot

4. Keep your work station clean.

Your phone, mouse and keyboard can contain a significant number of germs, so wipe down your work station frequently to avoid getting sick. Keeping your workspace clean and organized can also help you feel more focused and in control.


Walk it out - photo courtesy of Hubspot

5. Get up and move!

If you spend the majority of your day sitting, try to create opportunities to move around whenever possible. You can take a quick walk during your lunch break, or conduct a meeting outside if the weather is nice. Find an office walking buddy, and you’ll both be more likely to keep it up.


What do you do to keep yourself healthy at work? Send us your tips at  service@bostonorganics.com, and we'll share them with our community!


Topics: Healthy Office

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