Everyone knows the feeling, that glassy-eyed, unfocused haze that descends over the office around 2pm. The afternoon swoon may have you wishing you could curl up under your desk for a nap, or send you slouching to the break room coffee maker or vending machine for a caffeine or sugar boost. Though this afternoon energy dip may be partly due to our body’s natural rhythms, below are steps you can take to fight this sleepy slump and form healthy office habits.
1. Mind Your Meals
Eating a balanced breakfast will energize your mornings, and help give you energy to keep going throughout the day. Eat a meal that includes carbs for a faster boost and protein to maintain your energy throughout the morning. Consuming an excessively fatty lunch can lead to an afternoon crash, but so can a veggies-only salad. Eat a meal that is light, but still contains enough protein and fat to help you keep your head in the game.
2. Move in the Morning
Exercising in the morning gets your blood pumping and can keep you energized all day long. Biking or walking to work—if possible—is a great way to accomplish two things at once. Even if you take public transit, the walk between the station and your office can help boost your energy and mood, making you feel ready to take on the day.
3. Avoid Sugary Snacks
Sometimes a nibble may be just what you need to get through the end of the work day. In your groggy state, a candy bar or muffin may seem like just the thing. Sugary snacks can offer a temporary lift, but the later energy crash can leave you feeling even more drained than you were before. Protein-packed snacks like hummus, a handful of nuts or a banana with peanut butter will help give you the power you need to keep going. If sweets are what you crave, try a segment of a rich dark chocolate Taza disc. You may find a smaller dose may satisfy your craving without overloading your system with sugar. Boston Organics offers delivery of fresh fruit and healthy snacks to office breakrooms. Check out our weekly produce offerings as well as our selection of nuts, dried fruit and other tasty bites to keep your energy up throughout the day.
4. Stay Hydrated
Dehydration can contribute to the snoozies too. Keeping hydrated helps your body flush out toxins and keeps your cells healthy. The Mayo Clinic recommends that men consume 16 cups of fluids per day, and that women consume 12 cups. If you're reaching for a junky snack, try drinking some water first. Satisfying your thirst may satisfy your other cravings, too. And don't underestimate the drying effect of a heated office. Think about your water intake year-round, not just during the summer months.

5. Walk it Off
If you’ve been staring at the same screen for ten minutes, it may be time for a change of scenery. Do laps on the stairs, walk down the hall to check in with a coworker or take a spin around the block. In addition to helping you feel refreshed, getting away from your desk has the added benefit of giving your eyes and brain a break. When you next look at your computer screen, you will bring a fresh perspective to the task at hand.
For more tips on maintaining a healthy office, check out our free download: