You're missing out on cabbage

Posted by Boston Organics on Jun 11, 2024 1:00:00 PM


Cabbage is often overlooked, relegated to an after thought or over used in bland, overly sweet coleslaws. With its mild flavor, cabbage can compliment many a flavor profile - soy. ginger and garlic, yes please; cilantro, chile and scallions, why not; curry? we'd do that. It adds crispness to your sandwich or spring roll, beefs up your next stew, fills out your soup. And it’s extremely affordable if you’re looking to stretch your dollar. Here are our favorite cabbage recipes!

Pear and cabbage slaw

pear-and-cabbage-slaw-450pxEnjoy this slightly sweet, extremely crisp pear and cabbage slaw.

Grilled or Pressed Teriyaki Cabbage Steaks

Teriyaki_Cabbage_steaks_4_plated2_1080pxThis recipe will turn anyone into a veggie lover! 

Sauerkraut for beginners

sauerkraut_3_weighing_down1_1080px-1If this is your first time fermenting, try this approachable recipe. Guides and tips!

Cabbage soup with butternut squash

sauerkraut_2_slicing_cabbage1_1080pxWarming soup recipe packed with veggie favorites!

Andalusian Cabbage Stew

Andalusian Cabbage StewLight and bright for a quick weeknight supper!

Cabbage Risotto


Crunchy Romaine and Cabbage Salad with Quinoa


Loads more ideas to make the most of this versatile gem on our website!

Topics: Beneath The Peel / Digging Deeper, Organic Cabbage, boston organics, organic produce, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, New England Local Fruits and Vegetables

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