Member Spotlight: Aubrey H.

Posted by Boston Organics on Jun 26, 2019 9:45:00 AM

Aubrey H. has been a Boston Organics customer since August 2017. 

Why did you sign up for boston organics?

I had been interested in CSAs, but liked the idea that this had a more varied offering, including grocery add-ons. It has been an affordable and great way to make sure my family has fresh food provided by a local company.

customer_aubrey_salmon_600px        box_fruit_aubrey_600px
Cooking with Mixed Herbs from Happy Valley Organics!

How does Boston Organics impact your life?customer_aubrey_child_fruit_smile

It has helped, especially in the winter months, to make sure my family has fresh produce. Since I don't have a car, and I commute with a toddler, it is great to know I can count on having food that also challenges me to expand recipes we make.

Aubrey's favorite fruit is a pomegranate. "I appreciate its significance, its cultural power - I find it aspirational."





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