Member Spotlight: Cathy H.

Posted by Boston Organics on Jul 3, 2019 10:49:00 AM

Cathy H. has been a Boston Organics customer since 2016. She loves running and has run in 5k's 10k's, and half marathons! Our organic produce keeps Cathy energized and moving. You can follow her on instagram @4mscathy.

customer_cathy_harris_1080pxWhy did you sign up for boston organics?

I wanted the convenience of having a variety of organic fruits and vegetables delivered to my home. Plus, I love helping the local farmers.

The box of fruits and vegetables are are affordable and plentiful. Although I have my favorites, I have expanded my knowledge and taste of different fruits and vegetables that are new to me.

I love learning more about various fruits and vegetables. Plus, the recipes are invaluable (see some meals I made below)




If I were a fruit I would be...

An Avocado! It’s healthy, delicious, good with all meals, nutritious and known as the healthy fat.  You can’t go wrong with an avocado! I eat at least one avocado a day.


Patty Pan Squash

Stuffed with mushroom risotto, spring onions and tilapia.


Quick Callaloo POtato Stew

Recipe: Saute onion. Add potato, onion, garlic, spices, and herbs. Add the greens and liquid. Cook until potatoes and greens are tender.
"I never cooked with Callaloo before. In fact, I never heard of Callaloo until I received it in my Boston Organics box. I thank Boston Organics for getting me to try new foods."


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Topics: Boston Organics Community, marketing, bio, member spotlight

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