Overnight Oats for All

Posted by Boston Organics on Jul 18, 2022 8:00:00 AM

Overnight oats are your ticket to easing the hectic morning rush of breakfast-and-out-the-door. Prep oats the night before and once morning comes, grab a spoon and you're on your way to a tasty breakfast and well-fueled day. Enjoy this nutritious start to your morning while making good use of the wonderful fruits that arrive every week in your Boston Organics box.

Simpler to make, overnight oats serve as a wonderful base for a variety of tasty toppings. The basic structure is: mix oats with your favorite kind of milk (or yogurt, your choice), some customers like to grate an apple or ripe pear in with their milk (or yogurt). Then place the container in the fridge overnight. In the morning add whatever toppings you like - think chopped up fresh fruit, pomegranate arils, dried fruit, nuts, granola, coconut, chia seeds, cacao nibs, flax seeds. And just like that you have the perfect breakfast!

Blueberry Overnight Oats

Blueberry Overnight Oats

Layer blueberries and oats to create a parfait of sorts. If made in a clear container this will be as appealing to the eyes as it is to eat! Blueberries provide wonderful summer flavor and are full of antioxidants, making this version extra healthy. The crunch of almonds adds the perfect texture.

Peaches and Cream Overnight Oats

Peaches and Cream overnight Oats

What could be a better way to start a summer day then some beautiful peaches on top of oats with a little splash of cream? On these hot summer days this cool option to begin your morning is the way to go. Slice the peaches into bite size pieces, add them to your oats, grab a spoon and you are set. A  great breakfast to take on your morning commute.

Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats

Apple and cinnamon overnight oats

The crisp taste of apple mixed with cinnamon and maple syrup is not a new flavor combination but when added to overnight oats it makes for a comforting way to start your morning. By adding some of the cinnamon and maple in the night before lets the oats soak up that flavor. Not that we want to rush summer but this recipe should help make the coming of fall seem a little more delicious. Pears in place of apples are equally yummy here.

Experiment with different toppings and what kind of liquids you soak your oats in overnight: the possibilities are endless. While these make for a wonderful breakfast, they can be enjoyed at any time of the day, and would be a great lunch or afternoon snack as well. We hope you enjoy this fun way to enjoy oats and all the different topping combinations!

Topics: Organic Milk, Recipes, organic blueberries, Organic Apples, Organic Stone Fruit, overnight oats, oatmeal

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