October is Fair Trade month! We'll be highlighting some of the fair-trade items that we offer over the next few weeks!
Dean's Beans is based in Orange, Massachusetts, and we love their coffee!
Hear Dean Cycon talk about Fair Trade here!
Check out Dean's coffee adventures here!
We carry their...
Nicaraguan French Roast (whole bean)
A strong and exceptionally smooth cup of coffee from the region of Matagalpa. Medium body and slightly dry. Also works well for espresso!
NO CO2 (whole bean)
The world's first carbon neutral coffee! A sweet velvet roasted Peruvian from Pangoa. Dean's Beans calculated the entire carbon load from planting to drinking, and they neutralize it with hardwood plantings at Pangoa. Fight Global Warming one cup at a time!
Boston Organics Blend (whole bean/ground)
A delightful blend of light and dark roasted Costa Rican, Peruvian, and Nicaraguan Beans. Custom roasted by Dean's Beans for us!
You can add these coffees to your produce box on our Order Add-on items Page.