Delicata Squash, an Autumnal Treat

Posted by Boston Organics on Sep 24, 2012 3:48:07 AM

Delicata Squash has been bouncing into Boston Organics boxes over the last few weeks! Though it’s technically a hard-rind squash, like acorn or butternut squash, the delicata has edible skin and tender, creamy flesh, which makes it very easy to prepare.

You’ll recognize the delicata squash by its colorful and wrinkly skin. It has distinct dark green stripes on a yellow or cream colored skin and sweet, orange-yellow flesh. The squash grows best from late summer through early fall and we are excited to start putting it in your boxes!

Delicata squashes are great sources for vitamins A, B6, C, and K, as well as folate, fiber, potassium, and manganese. They are also rich in antioxidants, like beta-carotene, and may provide anti-inflammatory benefits as well as blood sugar regulation.

Roasted Delicata Squash

You can become a squash master and prepare your delicata in many different ways. While it is most commonly baked, this versatile hard-rind squash can also be microwaved, sautéed or steamed. Like an acorn squash, it may be halved and filled with meat or vegetable stuffing. The seeds of the squash are also edible, usually after being toasted like pumpkin seeds.

Here are five of our favorite delicata squash recipes to help get you started! If you would like to read more about delicata squash, visit the recipes and storage tips page on our website. It is listed under hard-rind squash.

How do you like to cook Delicata Squash? Let us know!

Topics: Recipes, Home Cooking Kitchen Tips, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston

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