Proposition 37 - What it Means and Why it Matters

Posted by Boston Organics on Nov 5, 2012 5:21:15 AM

Recently, there have been many articles about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the news and how California’s upcoming election may impact the US food industry. This issue has continued to heat up as we approach the final 24 hours before the election.

As you may have heard, tomorrow California will have a new proposition on their ballot: Proposition 37. Prop 37 is the Mandatory Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food Initiative. Genetically engineered or modified (GE or GMO) foods are food items with raw or processed ingredients that have been made from genetically altered plants or animals. In other words, their DNA has been altered by scientists in a laboratory.

If passed, Prop 37 will require the labeling of genetically modified foods. It will also stop the improper labeling and advertisement of foods processed or made with GMOs as “natural.” California’s early vote is often the stepping stone to national change on high-level issues. We are hoping the passing of Proposition 37 will be the push the nation needs.

GMO labeling is very important because the research on the safety of GMOs is still out. There are many reports of unknown effects of GMOs on humans, and the short-term research that has been done on animals is inconclusive.

We believe we have the right to know what's in our food and how it was produced. Until there is hard evidence stating that GMOs are totally safe and healthy for you, we’re going to stick to what nature gives us - delicious organic produce.

At Boston Organics, we understand the importance of healthy natural food. We strive to bring you the freshest produce in our weekly boxes and want to assure you, you will never receive anything in your box that isn’t organic. All of the food we deliver to you has been certified by an accredited organic certifier. The certification process goes from fruit to tree, to land to farm to ensure everything is 100% organic. For more information on Organic Certification visit the USDA website.

We hope this information helps shed some light on the big decision Californians will have to make in tomorrow's election. Here are some links to help you continue the discussion on GMO’s and Organics:

Topics: Organic Farmers, Food Politics, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, Non GMO

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