in 2013, Boston Organics became a B Corporation, which means we are legally required to consider the impact of our decisions not only on our shareholders, but also on our workers, suppliers, community, consumers, and the environment.
Every two years, in order to achieve B Corporation certification, we participate in a thorough assessment process established by B Lab, the B Corporation certification body. The assessment includes frank disclosure of information relating to our operations, hiring and promotion procedures, environmental management practices, and governance.

You can see our 2017 report card here, and below are some stats about our sustainability efforts.
In 2016, we:
- donated 39,290 lbs. of produce to Food For Free, equivalent to the weight of a Greyhound bus.
- saved 200 cubic yards of landfill space by composting our organic waste
- saved 80,000 cardboard boxes by delivering our produce in reusable totes
- saved 44 adult trees by recycling
In addition to the work we do to be more sustainable, we also recently joined a group called "Business For a Fair Minimum Wage".
The food and retail world are known for low wages. As our industry increasingly turns to independent contractors, we are proud that all Boston Organics employees have access to benefits many of us take for granted – including subsidized health insurance, matching 401K, disability insurance and paid time off. All Boston Organics employees make at least what is considered a living wage as defined by the Living Wage Calculator.
Why is a living wage important? The "Business For a Fair Minimum Wage" movement makes the case that raising the minimum wage is good for business, customers and our economy. And that's certainly true. But more than that -- it's the right thing to do. Today’s minimum wage is not keeping up with the cost of living. Raising the minimum wage boosts consumer buying power – increasing sales at local businesses as workers buy products and services they could not afford before. And nothing drives job creation more than consumer demand.
Our B Corp certification is one extra step that we’ve taken to ensure that we’re operating in a way that meets higher standards while supporting our core mission and values. And while we're thrilled to once again achieve B Corp certification, we view the process as a journey, not a destination. We'll continue to work to make our company the best it can be.