Weekly Newsletter - May 12, 2014

Posted by Amy Levine on May 12, 2014 5:53:46 AM

Adirondack Red potato

As the local season warms up, we’re buoyant with anticipation here at Boston Organics. We have some spectacular local produce going out in the boxes this week, including fresh dill and chives from Happy Valley Organics and vibrant Adirondack Red potatoes from Nature’s Circle Farm.

We also enjoy the summer months because we get to recognize a number of our favorite local companies and give prizes to our most enthusiastic customers! Read this week's newsletter to learn about your chance to win a weekend trip for 2 to Picadilly Farm.

You'll also get great recipes to cook with this week's fresh ingredients and find out what's coming up as the local season hits full-swing!


Topics: produce delivery, Recipes, Happy Valley Organics, Newsletter, Contests, Picadilly Farm, boston organics, Atlas Farm, Organic Herbs, organic produce, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, Boston Local Partnerships, Organic Potatoes, New England Local Fruits and Vegetables, Original Boston Organics Blog

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