Give-A-Box Wrap Up

Posted by Eric Siegel on Dec 4, 2014 9:25:46 AM
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Boston Organics works with several community groups in the towns and neighborhoods we serve throughout the year. During the holiday season we encourage the whole Boston Organics Community to get involved, too.

Through our Thanksgiving Give-A-Box Program, members of the Boston Organics Community were able to donate boxes of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables to the Greater Boston Food Bank.

As a result, on #GivingTuesday2014, the Boston Organics Community donated a truckload of locally grown organic beets, apples and butternut squash to the Greater Boston Food Bank. In total, 1,760 pounds of fresh, healthy, organic produce helped provide nourishment to hungry people in the greater Boston area!

Give A Box Infographic

About the Greater Boston Food Bank

The mission of the Greater Boston Food Bank resonates strongly within the Boston Organics Community, which is made up of individuals who understand the value of eating fresh, healthy food.

Through donations and contributions from people like you, the Greater Boston Food Bank supplies 500 food pantries, soup kitchens and shelters in eastern Massachusetts where 1 in 9 residents are at risk of hunger.

Last year, the Greater Boston Food Bank distributed 48 million pounds of food and groceries, but only a fraction of that was fresh produce. The Give-A-Box donation will have a major impact in helping families and individuals have a happier and healthier holiday season.

Thank you for your donations and for all of your continued support!

The Greater Boston Food Bank is still raising money to provide 45,000 holiday meals to those in need this holiday season. If you'd like to make an additional donation to the Greater Boston Food Bank, please visit



Topics: Boston Organics Community, Holiday, food donation, Community Events, Boston Local Partnerships, Original Boston Organics Blog

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