Much like pondering a glass containing equal parts water and air, the way you look at a black radish demonstrates whether you're a pessimist or an optimist.
For pessimistic locavores, a black radish symbolizes the depths of winter; the soft and hard rind squashes have all been eaten, the local winter greens have been buried beneath several feet of snow and the supply of more colorful storage crops are running low.
But the optimist locavore looks beneath the black radish's thick skin and recognizes the sweet and spicy flesh just beneath the surface.
The optimist might consider this portentous root to be the very first sign of spring because wherever a black radishes appears, the first spring-dug parsnips and local asparagus harvest are soon to follow.
These hardy radishes have made it through the winter and so have you! Optimists can celebrate this accomplishment with Black Radish Chips or a Black Radish and Potato Salad.
And this Black Radish and Blood Orange Salad is so tasty that you might just convince those pessimists that the glass is half full after all.
This Week's Local Produce
Happy Valley Organics
Porter Farm
Dwight Miller Orchards
All of the fruits and vegetables we deliver are grown without synthetic pesticides and are USDA certified organic. Interested in receiving produce that's both organic and locally sourced all year round? Check out our Local Dogma Box.
Similar to a CSA or farm share, our Local Dogma Box is filled with the best organic produce from local and regional farms and brought right to your door each week. It's the easiest way to eat like a locavore!