The general election is right around the corner and there's no time like the present to make sure your voting plans are in order. Here are important dates to mark in your calendar and tips to make voting as easy as possible!

More details at City of Boston.
important dates
Online by: Oct 24
By mail: Postmarked by Oct 24
In person: Oct 24
Request absentee ballot by Oct 28
Vote early (in-person): Oct 17 to Oct 30
Voting day: Nov 3
Contact-less voting
Mail In
Here are some things to keep in mind if you're taking the contact-less route. It might take some additional planning so here it goes:
1. Request an absentee ballot by: Oct 28
Print and complete (1) application. English, Spanish, Khmer, or Chinese.
Mail your application to: Boston Election Department/1 City Hall Square, Room 241/Boston, MA 02201
Postmarked by Oct 28!
2. When you receive your absentee ballot in the mail, read the instructions carefully, complete it, and mail it back before Nov 3.
drop off box
You can also return your absentee ballot in an official ballot drop-off box/election office. Make sure you're wearing a face mask and/or gloves!
Find an official ballot drop-off box. Drop-in box before Nov 3.
in-person voting
Find out where to cast your vote!
Vote early Oct 17 to Oct 30
Voting on Nov. 3
You should vote for...
Just kidding. We're not telling you who to vote for, but we do hope that you've research the candidates. Especially if you're voting in-person, being prepared will cut down on the time that you're in the polling center -- lowering the risk of being exposed to someone else's germs and freeing up that station for another citizen to vote!
There are many political news sources to choose from, and in the age of the internet all of the information can be a little overwhelming. Thankfully Harvard Kennedy School put together election 2020 resources that can help you make an informed decision. The Ballotpedia webpage has a section that compares candidates based on the policies & issues you care about -- a great way to get a side by side comparison!
don't forget your mask
If you're voting in person or dropping your ballot off at a drop-off box, don't forget a mask! Make sure you know where you're going (drop off boxes/in person polling locations), and the hours of operations. There's a chance there may be a line outside so be prepared for weather. Here are the CDC's tips for you in-person pollsters out there!
Do you have any voting tips or resources? Share in the comments below!