Posted by Coley Ward on Mar 5, 2018 3:30:00 PM

We're a mission-driven organization. If you head to the About Us page of our website you can read about our push to provide access to fresh, organic produce and to promote and support healthy living in a mindful and sustainable way that respects the environment, supports local farms, local businesses, and fair-trade practices.

We're very serious about the social, health and environmental benefits of buying organic. But the other reason we do what we do is because of emails like the one we got recently from Cassandra, a former customer who moved out of delivery area.

We recently decided to start delivering to Lynn, where Cassandra lives, so our customer service manager, Colin, emailed her to let her know she could start receiving deliveries again. Here's how she responded:

Colin and team... I am at work, in a quite office and just squealed with excitement!!


It's like Christmas is here again!!



She was even nice enough to send a photo of her box contents!

Cassandra Box_LYNN.jpg

Thanks Cassandra for brightening our day!

Do we deliver to your area? Head to our website, click "sign up now" and punch in your zip and find out! If we don't deliver to your area, you can tell us your email and address and we'll contact you when we do get to your area. 

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