Topic: Organic Farmers

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Fresh from the Farm and Local Offerings

Posted by Rebecca Bilodeau on Mar 27, 2016 12:30:00 PM

Since the beginning of daylight savings time, longer days have mostly meant longer evenings. The lingering afternoon sun can create a sense of abundance, of light and of time. But it can also be an uncomfortable and awkward season, with unpredictable precipitation and scraps of warmth. How many layers do I need? Darn, should have brought an umbrella.

There's one thing you can count on in this mercurial in-between season: your Boston Organics box will keep things fun, fresh and delicious.

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Topics: Recipes, Local Dogma Box, Organic Mangoes, Newsletter, Eat Local, Organic Farmers, organic citrus, Organic Parsnips, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, Organic Potatoes

Fresh from the Farm and Local Offerings

Posted by Rebecca Bilodeau on Mar 20, 2016 12:00:00 PM

Early spring can be a time of waiting and excitement. Warm days are so close we can taste them and new plants stretch slowly above the soil before the real green explosion begins. It can also be a time for seeking, whether we're looking for the first tiny blooms or chocolate eggs hidden in the yard. Don't worry though, your Boston Organics boxes will still come right to your door, though they contain plenty of produce to get excited about.

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Topics: Recipes, Local Dogma Box, Organic Mangoes, Newsletter, Eat Local, Organic Farmers, organic citrus, Organic Parsnips, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, Organic Potatoes

Fresh from the Farm and Local Offerings

Posted by Rebecca Bilodeau on Mar 13, 2016 1:30:00 PM

Shamrock shakes, green bagels, emerald-hued beers…St. Patrick’s day must be near! Whether you choose to celebrate along the South Boston parade route or with a hearty plate of Colcannon, it’s a time when everyone can experience the luck of the Irish. And lucky you are when you receive the fresh green treasures in this week’s boxes. (You may even spy some gold!)

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Topics: Recipes, Local Dogma Box, Organic Mangoes, Newsletter, Organic Radishes, Eat Local, Organic Farmers, Organic Sprouts, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, Organic Potatoes

Fresh from the Farm and Local Offerings

Posted by Rebecca Bilodeau on Mar 6, 2016 12:30:00 PM

In the last couple of weeks, we have seen snow flurries and crocuses starting to poke through the earth, fierce winds and gentle sunshine. The weather has been a bit of a tease, yanking us back and forth between winter and spring. Some of the produce in this week's boxes is no different. Read on to learn more about radishes coyly hiding their inner beauty, and grapefruits trying to act like grown-ups.
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Topics: Recipes, Local Dogma Box, Newsletter, Organic Radishes, Eat Local, Organic Farmers, organic citrus, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, Organic Potatoes, Organic Root Vegetables

Fresh from the Farm and Local Offerings

Posted by Rebecca Bilodeau on Feb 28, 2016 12:30:00 PM

If March comes in like a lion, it seems this year it will arrive as a sun-warmed, contented lion: the temperatures this week are forecast to be in the 50s. Though this warmth may prove to be transient, it’s a reminder of what will soon come, and is a gentle nudge toward waking up to welcome spring. Like resting perennial plants and waiting seeds, we can use this week's produce to start to stretch towards the sun.
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Topics: Recipes, Organic Cabbage, Local Dogma Box, Newsletter, Eat Local, Organic Farmers, organic citrus, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, Organic Root Vegetables, organic rosemary

Fresh from the Farm and Local Offerings

Posted by Rebecca Bilodeau on Feb 21, 2016 12:00:00 PM

Produce for Winter Preparedness

In New England, cucumbers are often thought of as a refreshing, late summer vegetable, but we are lucky to have Northeast-grown cukes now, in February! These hydrating cucurbits come to us from the Deep Root Organic Co-Op, whose member farms are spread throughout Vermont and Quebec.

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Topics: Local Dogma Box, Newsletter, Eat Local, Organic Fennel, Organic Cucumbers, Organic Farmers, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, Organic Root Vegetables

Local This Week

Posted by Rebecca Bilodeau on Feb 14, 2016 12:30:00 PM


February is a time when we start to dream about spring. Farmers pull out seed catalogues. Potted hyacinths appear in grocery stores. The days get ever longer and brighter (even if they stay bitter cold). A special treat that hints at all the new life that start to emerge in just a few weeks can be found in Dogma boxes this week.

Pea shoots brighten this week's boxes with a burst of green. The delicious young pea plants have the faintly sweet flavor of pea pods, and are crunchy and refreshing. Farmer Deb Barrett of Allen Farms delivers the pea shoots this week. She has grown herbs, flowers and vegetables using organic methods for the last 25 years on the farm's 50 acres of fields, as well as in seven greenhouses equipped for year-round production. Several of the vegetable varieties grown at Allen Farms are rare heirloom varieties, and pains are taken to ensure soil and plant health.

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Topics: Local Dogma Box, Newsletter, Eat Local, organic carrots, Organic Farmers, Organic Sprouts, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, Organic Root Vegetables

Local This Week

Posted by Rebecca Bilodeau on Feb 7, 2016 12:30:00 PM


The sun rises a little earlier each morning, sparking dreams of spring though we continue to hibernate through winter. This week, little balls of amber winter sun can be found in Boston Organics boxes in the form of Gold Ball turnips. These hearty roots have a slightly sweet flavor and smooth texture.

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Topics: Organic Turnips, Local Dogma Box, Newsletter, Eat Local, organic carrots, Organic Farmers, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, Organic Root Vegetables, organic beets

Local This Week

Posted by Rebecca Bilodeau on Jan 31, 2016 12:00:00 PM


In the chill of winter, most locally grown vegetables are kept in root cellars or other specialized storage facilities. Generally, storage crops should be kept in the dark, to prevent roots and tubers from sending out sun-seeking sprouts. Leeks, however, are a different story. The flavorful alliums are stored standing upright, with just a little light shining on them. The light tricks the plants into behaving as though they are alive, keeping them fresh and tasty all winter long, the better to grace your warming soups and stews. Using leeks from Brookford Farm this week, prepare some Cock-a-Leekie, a savory soup with Scottish roots and a surprising hint of sweetness.

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Topics: Local Dogma Box, Newsletter, Eat Local, organic leeks, Organic Farmers, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, Organic Potatoes, Organic Root Vegetables

Local This Week

Posted by Rebecca Bilodeau on Jan 24, 2016 12:00:00 PM


Though mushroom foragers may be out of luck as snow covers the treasures they seek, the Boston Organics Community need search no farther than their green boxes. This week we will be delivering delectable fungi from Mousam Valley Mushrooms of Springvale, Maine. The family-operated farm grows certified organic mushrooms in its converted historic dairy barn, where the farmers are able to control the mushrooms’ environment to ensure the ideal growing conditions. The mushrooms are cultivated on sustainably sourced Maine hardwood and straw.

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Topics: Local Dogma Box, Newsletter, Eat Local, Organic Farmers, Organic Mushrooms, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, Organic Root Vegetables

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