Member Spotlight: Christina S.

Posted by Boston Organics on Jun 14, 2019 7:45:00 AM

Christina S. has been a Boston Organics customer since 2016. She signed up to get high quality organic produce delivered. 

How does Boston Organics impact your life?

It is convenient, especially for a 1-person household. I have in the past gotten a CSA but the relentless 20 straight weeks of food deliveries of a CSA make it a challenge. I was spending the entire weekend cooking.

With Boston Organics I can get boxes every other week, or can put my subscription on hold an extra week or two. I can have  "no beets ever" on my no-no list.

I can size up or down, or get a custom or local box (as long as there are no beets that week!). Christina has tried our Dogma box, Standard Half and Half, Standard 2/3 Veg, Standard All Veg, Small box, and Custom box. 

I can start meal planning on Monday for a Friday delivery. Hmm, what will I do with the eggplant? Callaloo? Whazzat?

Christina's favorite vegetables are turnips and favorite fruit are oranges. (pictured below)


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