We discovered Justin Klaassen, a product developer and father of two who lives in South Boston, when he started tagging us on Instagram, where he posts under the name @hoppybeerman. Always the posts would feature a beer next to some fruits or vegetables that he got in his Boston Organics box.
Welcome to the Boston Organics Blog!
2017 was another great year for Boston Organics and we have our customers to thank. Here's an infographic with some information on some of our company highlights, including number of pounds of local apples delivered, number of nonprofits supported, and number of pounds of food donated to Food For Free.
Topics: Company Updates, Guides and Infographics, Donations, Year In Review, Community Impact
A couple of years ago, Joy Huang started her Instagram account (@joyosity) to share photos of her culinary creations and travel explorations. Last year, she challenged herself to post one recipe photo a day. Since then, her audience has grown and she now has over 6,000 followers.
She says joining cooking clubs on Facebook (like the Food52 cookbook club and baking club) gave her a lot of inspiration for what to make. Occasionally some of her posts would be picked up by other larger accounts like @Food52, @marthastewart, @thekitchn, @foodandwine, and @thefeedfeed which brought a lot more exposure to her account. One unique aspect of her Instagram photos is that they are all taken and edited with her iPhone.
Topics: Boston Organics Community, marketing, bio, member spotlight
It gets cold in our offices at this time of year, and most of the time you'll see our team wearing hats to keep their heads warm. Here are some of the hats they wore this week.
Renae joined Boston Organics in the fall of 2017 as our newest purchasing associate. She brings a wealth of experience with produce, from working on an urban farm in Philadelphia to handling operations for a farm-to-office meal delivery company.
Be MVP of Your Super Bowl Party with These Snacks
The Patriots may have missed this year's Super Bowl but that doesn't mean you can't borrow a page or two from the Boston Organics playbook and prepare recipes that are sure to make you MVP of the viewing party.
Topics: Recipes, Newsletter, Organic Radishes, organic carrots, Organic Mushrooms, Organic Grocery Add-Ons, superbowl, dips, chili
Coley took over as the marketing manager at Boston Organics in the summer of 2017 after working for a handful of local tech startup and, before that, as the marketing manager of a grocery co-op in Tucson, Arizona.
The weather outside is frightful and if you're lucky enough to be home from work, you're probably wondering what to do with yourself. Here are a few suggestions from your friends at Boston Organics. (Note: If you did make it in to the office today, numbers two, three and six are still totally doable -- five, too, if you have a long enough lunch break, a carrot for a nose and sticks for arms.)
Topics: snow day
Due to the big storm that's expected to start late Wednesday, January 3 and through Thursday, January 4, we are rescheduling all deliveries that were set to be made Thursday, January 4.
Topics: snow day
Our most read blog post of all time remains The Difference Between USDA Organic and Non-GMO Verified Seal. It has more than three times the visits of our next most popular post, our Guide to Organic Apple Picking. But we digress. This post is about 2017. Here are the most read blog posts published this year.
Topics: year in review 2017