This year, instead of sending chocolates or little monkey robots that fart on command to our best customers, we decided to say thank you by making a donation on their behalf to one of three local nonprofits. Here's a little background on the groups we chose and why. They represent three areas that we care a lot about -- farming, sustainability and food security.
Welcome to the Boston Organics Blog!
The Three Local Nonprofits We're Supporting this Holiday
Topics: holidays, christmas, Boston, nonprofits, giving
Tis the season for adjusted delivery schedules. Boston Organics will not be making deliveries on Monday, December 25, Friday, December 29 or Monday, January 1, necessitating some schedule shuffling during Christmas and New Year's weeks. Please see below for information on when we'll be delivering to your zip code during these holiday weeks.
Topics: Boston Organics Community, Holiday
There are two types of persimmons currently grown on a commercial scale in the US -- the astringent Hachiya and the non-astringent Fuyu. This primer deals with the Hachiya, which needs to be eaten very, very soft.
Topics: Beneath The Peel / Digging Deeper, Home Cooking Kitchen Tips, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, organic hechiya persimmon
We're always looking for opportunities to improve, to give our users more value. Recently, we started asking if there were any changes that we could make to our weekly newsletter that would make it more valuable to our customers?
Topics: Company Updates, Newsletter, marketing
This week's box features shiitake mushrooms, which are crazy nutritious but also delicious. If you're a mushroom fan, shiitakes are likely one your list of favorites (they're so much more flavorful and complex than boring white button mushrooms!). You'll encounter shiitakes in various forms in a lot of Asian cuisine, like miso soup and many stirfries. Today we've got a recipe that calls for roasting the mushrooms and we think you're going to love it.
Topics: Recipes, Local Dogma Box, Newsletter, Eat Local, Organic Farmers, Organic Grocery Add-Ons, Fresh From the Farm, Organic Apples, Organic Broccoli, New England Local Fruits and Vegetables, organic green leaf lettuce, organic shiitake mushrooms
B Corporation Update: We're getting better at being good
in 2013, Boston Organics became a B Corporation, which means we are legally required to consider the impact of our decisions not only on our shareholders, but also on our workers, suppliers, community, consumers, and the environment.
Every two years, in order to achieve B Corporation certification, we participate in a thorough assessment process established by B Lab, the B Corporation certification body. The assessment includes frank disclosure of information relating to our operations, hiring and promotion procedures, environmental management practices, and governance.
Topics: Company Updates, Certified B Corporation
This week's box features local leeks. If you've never cooked with leeks and you're not sure where to start, never fear. We're going to help you learn to love leeks.
Topics: Recipes, Local Dogma Box, Newsletter, Eat Local, organic leeks, Organic Farmers, Organic Grocery Add-Ons, Fresh From the Farm, Organic Apples, New England Local Fruits and Vegetables, organic spinach
This week's box features some veggies you know and love, like broccoli and potatoes, and at least one item (kohlrabi) that might have a few folks scratching their heads. Never fear. We've got a few outside the box ideas to turn both the familiar and unfamiliar into something fantastic.
Topics: Recipes, Organic Kohlrabi, Local Dogma Box, Newsletter, Eat Local, Organic Cucumbers, Organic Farmers, Organic Grocery Add-Ons, Fresh From the Farm, Local Season, Organic Broccoli, Organic Leafy Greens, New England Local Fruits and Vegetables
We may be moving into fall but that doesn’t mean that we are no longer getting new items from all of our wonderful farm partners. We are in that perfect time where we get to enjoy the end of summer produce and the beginning of a whole new crop of vegetables. We are happy that we have wrapped up another successful summer here and are very excited to head into fall and see all the new items that we have to look forward to all fall.
Topics: Recipes, Local Dogma Box, organic blueberries, Newsletter, Eat Local, Organic Cucumbers, Organic Farmers, Organic Grocery Add-Ons, Fresh From the Farm, Local Season, Organic Leafy Greens, New England Local Fruits and Vegetables
We deliver fruit to hundreds of offices in the Boston area. If you're one of our office customers, you know our kiwis, bananas and peaches are always ripe and delicious. But did you know that we also offer a range of snacks and other products that are perfect for hungry employees?
Topics: Healthy Office, snacks, coffee