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Fresh from the Farm: Food Footprints

Posted by Boston Organics on Sep 19, 2022 1:00:00 PM

If being more environmentally-friendly was one of your New Year’s resolutions, good for you! You already contribute to sustainability by choosing to support Boston Organics, and, by extension, organic producers. These growers don’t pollute our soil and water with toxic pesticides and synthetic fertilizers and help build the soil to ensure that organic farming can continue for generations. This week, we’re thinking about ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions related to food, especially those associated with eating meat and with food waste. Read on for ideas for experimenting with reducing your food's carbon footprint.

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Topics: Recipes, Organic Cabbage, Local Dogma Box, Newsletter, Eat Local, Organic Pears, Organic Farmers, Locavore, Organic Grocery Add-Ons, Fresh From the Farm, Organic Root Vegetables, New England Local Fruits and Vegetables, organic beets

Refresh Your Cooking Skills

Posted by Boston Organics on Sep 19, 2022 12:45:00 PM

Ever feel intimidated by cooking instructions? Not sure what to do with vegetables you receive in your Boston Organics box? Experienced cook but not quite clear on the difference between simmering and boiling? Brushing up on just a few cooking skills and terms will help you follow any recipe, or tackle any new produce item you encounter in your Boston Organics box.

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Topics: Recipes, Newsletter, boston organics, Home Cooking Kitchen Tips, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, New England Winter Cooking, Original Boston Organics Blog

Protecting Produce and the Planet One Delivery at a Time

Posted by Boston Organics on Sep 19, 2022 12:30:00 PM

To support sustainable food systems, eating organic is pretty much a slam dunk – right? By choosing organic foods, consumers can look forward to increased ecological biodiversity, healthier soil and water, and an absence of GMOs, synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.

But the lifespan and, as a result, the impact of our food doesn’t stop there. Between the farms and our forks are vast systems responsible for the movement of fresh food all year round. And right in the midst is Boston Organics!

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Topics: Jeff's Corner, produce delivery, Red Fire Farm, Company Updates, Organic Farmers, Atlas Farm, fruit delivery, The Boston Organics Crew, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, Boston Local Partnerships, Environmental Businesses, New England Local Fruits and Vegetables, The Kitchen Garden, waste, packaging, sustainability, reusable, boxes, totes, logistics

5 Solid Tips for Simple, Healthy Eating

Posted by Boston Organics on Sep 19, 2022 1:00:00 AM

Healthy Eating Can Be Simple

Follow these guidelines for eating a balanced diet for better health and wellness.

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Topics: organic fruits and veggies, Meal Planning, organic smoothie, healthy eating, drink water

4 Scary Food Waste Facts (and 1 Way to Change Them)

Posted by Boston Organics on Sep 19, 2022 12:45:00 AM

It’s October which means crisp, cool days, changing leaves and all the trappings of Halloween: ghost stories, haunted houses and cobwebs draped on front porches. Even if you can see through a costumed zombie or don’t feel any need to avoid haunted spots on All Hallows' Eve, the ghosts of wasted food may pop up to spook you.

Food waste is a significant problem: about 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted worldwide every year. Don’t be haunted by food that you throw away. Check out these four scary facts about food waste, and learn what you can do to avoid it (no witch’s brew required).

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Topics: office, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, Healthy Office

Fresh from the Farm: Summer Comfort Food

Posted by Boston Organics on Aug 19, 2022 5:45:00 AM

From outdoor movies to beach outings to hikes to cookouts, we're all into making the most of these last days of summer, and that includes taking advantage of all the fabulous produce  available this time of year - eggplant, summer squash, tomatoes, corn and more! This week we’re here with foolproof late August comfort food recipes that'll help you embrace the summer vibe while eating healthy and locally.


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Topics: Recipes, Local Dogma Box, Newsletter, Eat Local, organic tomatoes, Organic Farmers, Organic Eggplants, Organic Grocery Add-Ons, Organic Squash, organic corn

Blueberry Briefings (or where are my Wild Maine Berries?)

Posted by Boston Organics on Aug 15, 2022 4:51:34 PM

8/22/22 No fresh maine wild blueberries this season🙁🙁

It was with heavy heart that we have not been able to procure any fresh Maine Wild Blueberries this season.

Field loss due to extreme heat and drought along with an acute labor shortage have resulted in one of the most challenging seasons since we started delivering the fresh blueberries almost 20 years ago.

We've reached out to our network of growers, suppliers as well as made some cold calls. They've all reported back with similar feedback....

“Thanks for checking in, --we do a lot of fresh-pack organic wild blueberries…, and we've had the same issues (as your network) this year = heat stress on the fruit and short-handed with labor. Our harvest ended last week, with several acres lost in the field, shriveled on the vine. So sorry we can't help you --but feel free to reach out in future years.”

“.. not enough labor to make it happen. We haven’t even been able to get enough fresh out to cover farmers markets.”

“As of this morning all three of my producers have struck out. Labor issues, crop damage from that heat….. They are disheartened and don’t like to disappoint. Apologies from all of us on this one, we don’t like to let you down.”

We are looking into offering frozen wild blueberries and will keep you all posted.

Sorry again for the disappointment. We hope next year will be better. 


The Boston Organics' Crew


8/15/22 Bad News Blues

Unfortunately, Wild Maine Blueberries will not be available this week. The extreme heat has taken its toll on our beloved berries causing extensive damage to the fields. And, as if that's not bad news enough, one of our dependable partner family farms was unable to harvest due to non-Covid related illness. We’re hoping they’ll be tip-top and able to pick this weekend, with blueberries available next week. We've got our fingers crossed! If all goes well we will include your Wild Maine Blueberries in your subsequent order unless you choose to remove it from your subscription.

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Topics: Extreme Weather, Maine Wild Blueberries

Wild Blueberries Are Back!

Posted by Boston Organics on Aug 4, 2022 9:00:00 AM

August/September are wild blueberry harvesting season! It's a short, sporadic season so get them while you can! We have organic blueberries (half-pint) available as an add-on almost year-round, but wild blueberries are in another league entirely.

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Topics: Beneath The Peel / Digging Deeper, organic blueberries, Newsletter, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, summer produce

Why Organic Wild Blueberries Are Actually Worth The Hype

Posted by Boston Organics on Aug 3, 2022 11:45:00 AM

If you’re a native New Englander or longtime Boston resident, then August is probably one of your favorite months for fresh, organic fruit. Not only are juicy heirloom tomatoes ready for harvest and stone fruit at its peak, it’s also the heart of the short but spectacular wild blueberry season.

The Boston Organics Community includes some pretty talented farmers, but there are some things that nature simply does better than any human can. One such thing is growing blueberries.

We’ve had organic blueberries available as an add-on for several weeks, but wild blueberries—the kind that you dreamt about as a kid—are in another league entirely.

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Topics: Beneath The Peel / Digging Deeper, organic blueberries, Organic Grocery Delivery Boston, summer produce

Summer Cocktail Recipes

Posted by Boston Organics on Jul 30, 2022 11:15:00 AM


  • 6 slices red plum, as ripe and juicy as possible
  • 4 to 5 sage leaves, stems removed
  • 1/4 to 1/2 oz simple syrup (more for a sweeter drink)
  • splash (about 1/8 ounce) fresh-squeezed lemon juice
  • 2 oz rye whiskey


1. Add the plums, sage, and simple syrup to the bottom of a shaker, and muddle (or smoosh vigorously with the back of a spoon) until the plums form a nice mush.

2. Fill the shaker with ice and add the lemon juice and whiskey. Shake and then double strain into a cocktail glass.

For non-alcoholic beverage, substitute in seltzer or unsweetened juice! Enjoy responsibly! 

Whether mixology is your thing or you'd rather pop open a can or bottle and pour it over ice we've got flavored sparkling waters, shrubs, ciders and kombuchas that are ready-to-drink or the perfect base for your favorite concoction, or one of ours!

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Topics: organic beverages, organic drinks, organic cocktails, Kombucha, shrubs, sparkling water, cider, mocktails

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